Can't begin to tell you how excited I am about the new Adobe DRM update! Thanks for the addition! Ann Caywood
THANK YOU FOR PDF REFLOW!! Yes!! If the switch from Foxit to Adobe finally enabled this, it was the best thing you ever did. I have been so frustrated for so long that Jetbook didn't have PDF reflow that I was ready to switch to a different reader. Now I will keep my Jetbook! David Schaller
When I bought my Jetbook last year, I really liked it, but didn't like that it wouldn't read DRM and reflow PDF. I just upgraded the firmware, got my Adobe Digital and now I can tell you, Jetbook is a PERFECT eBook Reader. I'm going to be telling everyone about this sweet device, including the hundreds of members of EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection, of which I am currently President. Betty Kasischke
the jetbook is a great way to read books Patrycja Nicos
A really nice ereader, great value for money that reads most formats and has the freedom of not being tied to one format or special chargers. A very affordable and functional device, im very happy with it! Andrew Charnell
Happy with my jetbook Subscriber from jetBook.net
Even though I've only had this for about 2 weeks now, I am so loving it and getting tons of compliments on it. Subscriber from jetBook.net
Wonderful device, please add more dictionaries. I'd love to see more Romance languages, and even Latin! Thank you. I would be willing to pay for such add-ons. Subscriber from jetBook.net
This is the best ebook reader! I'm from Panama and I have nothing but compliments to all of you. Please keep up the good work. Thanks! Subscriber from jetBook.net
Just got it. Love it! Think I have found all my Christmas gifts for this year! Georgi Lathbury